Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tuberculosis caused by Bacteria

Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic infectious disease of humans and various animals, tuberculosis is cuased by bacteria of a genus Mycobacterium, often called tubercle bacilli. One of the oldest diseases, it was known as consumption or the great white plague. Human infection with M. tuberculoses was one of the leading causes of death untuil antituberculous drugs were introduced in the 1940s. The bacillus infects the lungs by inhalation of infection droplets during coughing of an individual with the active form of disease. 

In the vast majority of cases the infetion is localied and symptompless, but it may progress to cause chromic pulmonary tuberculosis (active form). The infection can be detected in those who do not develop the disease through a positive tuberculin skin test consisting of skin injection of purified protein derived from a baccillus, swelling at the site indicates the presence of infection. The baccilli can remain dormant for years before becoming active. Their whidespreads presence helps to account for the observed and most likely AIDS related resurgence of tuberculosis in the US in the mid 1980s.

In the time being Tuberculosis sread in Indonesia as I was stay in this country, and as I know this disease still exist over the country, because many people become a carier of this disease but don't active. Actually this bacteria is dangerous for many people but We don't think like that because drugs already exist for this disease even need long time (minimum 6 months) to cure this disease. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

New Info of Covid Graph

This info is record onn4 of October 2021. The highest position of Covid disease still take America as on the Graph bwlow. 

Why this happened like this still dont know, but this occurred pure by God contributor. Human being justt follow the instruction, but if the instruction is wrong, all people also follow the wrong way. 

Covid is the shorten from Corona virus Disease that come from some where. People in the world already got the vaccin but this disease still spread all over the world. 

Follow my video of 

Hand Reaction 1

Hand Reaction 2

Hand Reaction 3

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How Quickly Bacteria Growth

How The Growth of Bacteria?

As stated on the the second laws of thermodynamics on physics that the universe disorder, or entropy can only grow. If go into the base order on the cell as the smaller part of the body this principle appear to contradiction to this principle, but actually do conform because they generate heat that increase the universe’s overall entropy.,

Given what the bacteria is made of, and given how rapidly bacteria can grow, what would be the minimum amount of heat that it would have to exhaust into its surrounding. If compare with the amount of heat it's actually exhausting, they're roughly on the same scale," says England, an assistant professor of physics. "It's relatively close to the maximum efficiency."

To calculate the minimum amount of heat a bacterium needs to generate during this process, scientist decided to investigate the thermodynamics of the reverse process -- that is, two cells becoming one. This is so unlikely that it will probably never happen. However, the likelihood of it happening can be estimated by aggregating the probabilities of reversing all of the smaller reactions that take place during replication.
One of the common reactions that occur during replication is formation of new peptide bonds, which form the backbone of proteins. Spontaneously reversing that type of reaction would take about 600 years, England says. The number of peptide bonds in a typical bacterium is about 1.6 billion, and the heat wattage needed to break all of those bonds is about 100 billion natural units.

By estimating the waiting time needed to observe a spontaneous reversal of replication, England calculated that the minimum amount of heat a bacterium needs to generate as it divides is a little more than one-sixth of the amount an E. coli cell actually produces during replication.

The finding suggests that bacteria could grow dramatically faster than they do now and still obey the second law of thermodynamics. England says that because cell replication is just one of the many tasks E. coli need to perform, it's unlikely they would evolve to their most efficient possible growth rate. However, for synthetic biology applications, it may be useful to create bacteria that can divide faster, which this paper shows is theoretically possible.

The paper may also offer some evidence for why DNA, and not RNA, evolved as the main form of genetic material, England says: DNA is more durable and doesn't spontaneously break its bonds as readily as RNA does. This means that RNA may have an advantage over DNA because it can grow faster and use up available resources. This supports a previously suggested hypothesis that RNA may have evolved first, before life arose on Earth, and DNA showed up later on.

Look to this articles:


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Lyme Disease Medication

Lyme Diseases Symptom 

The first phase is early localized disease, which occurs three to 30 days after the tick bite that transmitted the infection. This stage is characterized by skin inflammation. Victim feel like erythema migrans, but only 70% of people who get Lyme disease feel this symptom. It starts at the site of the tick bite and expands over the next several days. It can eventually cover an area up to about 12 inches across. Some of the area may clear, giving the rash at times a bull's-eye appearance.

The next phase of the illness is the early disseminated stage, which occurs within days to weeks after the tick bite, there is spreading of the skin inflammation to other areas. Pain and swelling may feel in large joints, such as the knee joints. Other symptoms that can occur include palsy of the facial nerve, leading to loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of face.

The next phase will merge if the above condition is not being cured, a later stage of the illness, known as the late disseminated stage, may develop in the following months to years. Symptoms of this later stage can include intermittent attacks of arthritis, with joint swelling and pain. Neurological symptoms, such as numbness and tingling in the extremities, shooting pains, and short-term memory problems have also been reported in the later stages.

How to cure from Lyme Diseases

Lyme diseases medication can be optional method, this because of avoid from side effects are merge. To make sure the presence of side effect you must consultation to your doctor, to make any special precautions. If have any other question you can contact your doctor:

The optional medication of Lyme diseases include:
  • Antibiotic
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
The kind of antibiotic usually use are:
  • Doxycycline (Vibramycin and others)
  • Amoxicilin (Amoxil and others)
  • Cefuroxime (Crflin, Kefurox, Zinacef)
  • Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
Possible side effect that probably merge such as:
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic reaction, including skin rash, swelling, and difficulties breathing
  • Hypersensitivity to sunlight
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
The common names of nonsteroidal medicine such as:
  • Ibuprotein (Advil, Genpril, Medipren, Motrin, Nuprin, Rufen)
  • Naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn)
NSAIDs are like pain relievers, usually doctor give recipe this medicine if you have arthritis pain as complication of Lyme disease.
Side effect probable of using this medicine such as:
  • Increased bleeding after surgery
  • Headache
  • Upset stomach
  • Ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Flu like feeling
  • Asthma or chest tightness


Friday, September 1, 2017

Bacterial Growth Graph

Bacterial Growth

Bacteria grow is liniar with the availability of food for bacteria. The grow of bacteria also depend on the availability of air, so on effluent system use aerator to make the oxygen needed for bacteria is fulfilled.

As on the graph below there is lag phase, in this phase bacteria have begun consuming food and start replicating exponentially. We can see on the graph red bacterial curve increasing and food availability decreasing in this phase.

Red Bacteria Curve

The availability of food continuous decrease and bacterial reproduction begin to slow, because more competition for food. The growth rate slowing on red bacteria curve connection with the less of food availability, bacteria begin to cluster and form floc.

The BOD indicator that bacteria food still available, higher BOD mean that food for bacteria still high. Most of bacteria have formed floc, some bacteria cells die and lyse open, releasing some BOD that can be consumed. Bacterial floc can settled out with leave a clearer effluent with little BOD behind.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Bacteria in Fish Pond

Bacteria in the fish pond can merge because of several things. The good thing about outdoor ponds is that easily acquire the beneficial bacteria that are best fitted for the local environment from that environment. Dirt washing into your pond, bugs carried by critters that visit your pond, dust blown into the pond by the wind, and bacteria dormant for the winter that have been activated by spring all populate your pond with beneficial bacteria perfectly adapted to your pond.

The main characteristic of the beneficial bacteria that you can buy is that they are easy to grow in culture. They may be totally inappropriate for your pond. The overwhelming majority of species of beneficial bacteria will not grow in culture and thus cannot be sold.

In fact, you really have to work to keep beneficial bacteria from taking over your pond. You can scrub and disinfect the pond liner. You can pour a variety of chemicals in your pond. This all takes effort. Leave it alone and your pond will be fine and you will be richer.

Bacteria that will convert the ammonia to nitrate and nitrate to nitrite will grow all by itself. It is very important to a pond. But this is just a some part of the different bacteria’s that a good pond will need. Are you going to get the other bacteria’s that a pond needs come in a bottle? No. Your pond will over time grow all the different bacteria’s that your ponds needs to be healthy. With that being said some of the things in bottled bacteria can serve a very good purpose. Mostly what your are going to find in the better bottles are bacteria’s to break the debris in the pond down so that the natural bacteria can get it up. As The lakes and ponds that occur in nature don't need bacteria added to them. But nature doesn't worry about how long it takes to break down debris because nature is trying to fill in every pond or lake until it becomes a wetlands or swamp. As much as we all would like to think that we have a natural pond we are far from it.

Most of the bottled bacteria's are designed for one type of pond. That is a garden pond with rock on the bottom as the majority of the garden ponds are built like that. And if you have a rock and gravel pond then you should be using one of these products as it is very difficult to remove this debris in the rocks and gravel. If you have a bare bottom pond then you may or may not want to use one of these products.


Friday, April 19, 2013

What is Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a kind of infection that caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdoferi. Lyme disase is not cause by virus, even the spreading of this disease very fast through the body. This disease is transmitted to people and animals by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick, or Ixodes Scapularis, commonly called as deer tick, and Ixodes pacificus (wetern black legged tick). Although other types of ticks such as the Dermancentor variabilis (American dog) and some insects have been shown to carry of Lyme disease bacteria, but until today the transmission of lyme disease through those vectors has not been proven. People usually get lyme disease from ticks infected with lyme spirochetes. Most human cases are caused by the nymphal, or immature, form of the tick. Nymphs are about the size of a poppy seed. This animals bite is not painful so many people do not realize of this infection.

Lyme disease is found in approximately 65 countries world wide, although different types of ticks and different strains of bacteria may be involved. Lyme diseases is a multi-systemic disease, and the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), may be found in many different organs.

Ticks may remain attached for several days while they feed. The longer they remain attached, the greater the risk that will pass the Lyme bacteria into your bloodstream, where they will start spreading throughout your body.

Other articles:
Lyme Diseases Viruses
