Friday, October 24, 2014

Bacteria in Fish Pond

Bacteria in the fish pond can merge because of several things. The good thing about outdoor ponds is that easily acquire the beneficial bacteria that are best fitted for the local environment from that environment. Dirt washing into your pond, bugs carried by critters that visit your pond, dust blown into the pond by the wind, and bacteria dormant for the winter that have been activated by spring all populate your pond with beneficial bacteria perfectly adapted to your pond.

The main characteristic of the beneficial bacteria that you can buy is that they are easy to grow in culture. They may be totally inappropriate for your pond. The overwhelming majority of species of beneficial bacteria will not grow in culture and thus cannot be sold.

In fact, you really have to work to keep beneficial bacteria from taking over your pond. You can scrub and disinfect the pond liner. You can pour a variety of chemicals in your pond. This all takes effort. Leave it alone and your pond will be fine and you will be richer.

Bacteria that will convert the ammonia to nitrate and nitrate to nitrite will grow all by itself. It is very important to a pond. But this is just a some part of the different bacteria’s that a good pond will need. Are you going to get the other bacteria’s that a pond needs come in a bottle? No. Your pond will over time grow all the different bacteria’s that your ponds needs to be healthy. With that being said some of the things in bottled bacteria can serve a very good purpose. Mostly what your are going to find in the better bottles are bacteria’s to break the debris in the pond down so that the natural bacteria can get it up. As The lakes and ponds that occur in nature don't need bacteria added to them. But nature doesn't worry about how long it takes to break down debris because nature is trying to fill in every pond or lake until it becomes a wetlands or swamp. As much as we all would like to think that we have a natural pond we are far from it.

Most of the bottled bacteria's are designed for one type of pond. That is a garden pond with rock on the bottom as the majority of the garden ponds are built like that. And if you have a rock and gravel pond then you should be using one of these products as it is very difficult to remove this debris in the rocks and gravel. If you have a bare bottom pond then you may or may not want to use one of these products.
