Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Faded Bacteria Disease

Faded bacterial disease is one of the important diseases in the patchouli in West Sumatra, North Sumatra, and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). The disease is caused by the Ralstonia solanacearum bacterium and can reduce production of patchouli until 60% to 80% so that become a constraint in increasing of patchouli product. Pathogenic control can be done by using resistant varieties, namely Sidikalang, cultivation techniques (fertilization, organic, and mulsa), biological pesticides (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus spp.), Vegetable pesticide (Serai), chemical control (bakterisida), and limit the spread of pathogenic from infected areas to other areas.

To control of fading bacterial diseases must be conducted with the integrated control combining various techniques. Patchouli commodity (Pogostemon cablin Benth) is an important export commodity in Indonesia. Patchouli oil exports reached 1,276 tons with a value of U.S. $ 19,264 million (Directorate General of Agriculture 2006). Indonesian patchouli oil is the largest exporter in the world to supply nearly 90% of the world needs of patchouli oil (Asman 1996). Therefore, the patchouli oil is expected to increase sources of income from the state sector non fuel and gas.

Patchouli oil has a good prospects to meet the needs of perfume and cosmetics industry. Patchouli oil can also be used as an antiseptic, insecticide, and aromatherapy. Patchouli alcohol is the main components of patchouli oil and is used as an indicator of patchouli oil quality.

One of the diseases causes among other is faded disease bacteria which can reduce production from 60% to 80% (Asman et al. 1993). This disease has spread to almost all patchouli production centers in West Sumatra, NAD, and North Sumatra, even of late have been found in West Java and central Java. This faded bacteria also attack other young plant like papaya, tomato, spinach, potato and other vegetable plant.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bacteria to Produce Hyaluronic Acid

Production Story:
The production of Hyaluronic acid using of Semi continuous cultivation of Streptococcus Zooepidemicus bacteria, a culture will ensure the availability of raw materials on an on going basis, also if bacteria being cultivate then will be able to provide the needs of various industrial medicine raw material. People who is growing old, will produce elastic cell lessen than young people. So the skin will look wrinkle for old people after their skin change, especially when the skin wide then change to narrow, also if the person is fat then growing to lean at last. The skin can’t back to normal again and look wrinkle. Especially for women, not like this happened, become minder and afraid if appear not in beautiful looking.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most drugs used as skin filler, which functions together with the collagen and elastin in the skin wrinkling problem. Hialuronic acid will react with water and fold easily fill the skin around the mouth and cheek.

Skin wrinkled will lost soon after injection process is finished. One of the benefits of acid hyaluronic gel have lessen of allergic reactions if compared with collagen. By using network cultures of microorganisms Streptococcus bacteria zooepidemicus, hyaluronic acid production done in a semi-continuous, with the condition cultivation in maintaining temperature and speed and made repeatedly.

Bacteria Growth

Bacterial organisms are the most in number and more widespread than any other organism. Hundreds thousands of bacterial species that live on land and sea also in extreme places.

Bacteria have a beneficial but there are also harmful. Bacteria have characteristics that distinguish it with another living organism. Bacteria are organisms unicellular and prokaryotic and generally do not have chlorophyll and micro size (microscopic).

The characteristics of bacteria
Bacteria have characteristics that different with another organism such as:
  1. Organisms multi-cellular
  2. Prokaryote (do not have the core of the cell membrane)
  3. Generally do not have chlorophyll
  4. Body size that varies between 0.12 up to hundreds of micron size generally have an average of 1 s / d 5 micron.
  5. Have varies form of body
  6. Free living or parasitic
  7. Who live in extreme environments such as hot water in the eyes, mouth or turf cells wall does not contain peptide
  8. The cosmopolitan life in different environments cell wall contains peptide.

Structure of Bacteria
Structure divided into two bacteria, namely:

  1. Basic structure (owned by nearly all types of bacteria), Include: cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ribosome, DNA, and storage granular
  2. Additional structure (owned by a certain type of bacteria).

Includes capsule, flagellum, Piles, fibrin, chloroform, Vacuole gas and endosperm.

Bacteria Forms:
Basic form of the bacteria is made up of rounded form (cocus), rod (bacillus) and spiral (spirilia) and there is a form of cocus and basil called coco-bacillus.
Many forms of bacteria:


  • Monococcus, the form of single cell bacteria coccus
  • Diplococcus, the two bacterial cell unite
  • Tetracoccus, the four bacterial coccus cells unite to form quadrangular.
  • Sarkina the eight bacterial coccus cells unite to form cubes
  • Streptococcus of more than four coccus cells unite to form chains.
  • Stapilokokus of more than four coccus bacterial cells unite such as grape

Bacillus Bacteria:

  • Mono bacillus, the form of single cell bacteria bacillus
  • Diplobacillus the form of two-cell bacteria bacillus unite
  • Streptobacillus that some bacteria cells unite establish germ like chain

Spirally Bacteria:

  • The form of a spiral-wave cell
  • Spirochete the form of cells, such as the screw
  • Vibrato cells that form of punctuation such as commas
