Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Latency Phase of Syphilis

Syphilis is one of genital diseases that often attack to people who have a deviant sex behavior. Secondary stage of syphilis symptoms appear from a few week to as long as a year after the appearance of the chancre.

  • What are the symptom and signs of secondary syphilis? they include: a skin rash, small flat sores in regions where the skin is moist, whitish patches on the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, and spotty temporary baldness. Theory are also symptoms such as general discomfort and uneasiness, low grade fever, headache, and swollen glands.
  • Since these symptom are easily mistaken for those of other diseases, it is important to consult a physician if any of them appear, particularly if you have been exposed to syphilis. Secondary syphilis, which lasts from three to six months, can always be diagnosed by blood tests.
  • During the secondary stage, the disease is more contagious than at any other phase of its development. All the sores are filled with spirochetes, and any contact with them - even without sexual intercourse - can transmit the disease.
The Latency Phase:
After the second stage of syphilis, all signs and symptoms of the disease disappear. The disease enter a latency phase, but it is not gone. Spirochetes are invading various organs, including the heart and brain. This phase of the disease sometimes lasts only a few months, but it can last for twenty years or longer. In this stage, the infected individual appears disease free and is usually not infectious, with an important exception - a pregnant woman can pass the infection to her unborn child. Although there are no symptoms, a blood test during this stage will reveal syphilis.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Biocellulose Development

The main component of plant cell wall is cellulose, even our body also contain of cellulose. Some bacteria also can produce cellulose, this phenomenon often called as cell biocellulose of bacteria cellulose. Bacteria that produce cellulose is some of economic importance bacteria for human, other type of useful bacteria that benefit to human like Yakult bacteria that use to produce beverage. The important properties on this event are plants cellulose and bacterial cellulose have the same chemical structure, but have different physical and chemical properties.

Bacterial cellulose is produced by acetic acid producing bacterium, called as Acetobacter Xylinum. The diameter of biocellulose is about 1/100 of the plant cellulose or almost equivalent to aluminium. Biocellulose is expected to be a new biodegradable biopolymer.

How to produce bacteria cellulose? In laboratory use airlift reactor to produce bacterial cellulose, the place to produce bacteria cellulose should have certain criteria, should have low energy requirement, litter shear stress to bacteria, and contamination possibility is very low. Bacterial cellulose that produce in airlift reactor formed a unique pellet type cellulose.