Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tuberculosis caused by Bacteria

Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic infectious disease of humans and various animals, tuberculosis is cuased by bacteria of a genus Mycobacterium, often called tubercle bacilli. One of the oldest diseases, it was known as consumption or the great white plague. Human infection with M. tuberculoses was one of the leading causes of death untuil antituberculous drugs were introduced in the 1940s. The bacillus infects the lungs by inhalation of infection droplets during coughing of an individual with the active form of disease. 

In the vast majority of cases the infetion is localied and symptompless, but it may progress to cause chromic pulmonary tuberculosis (active form). The infection can be detected in those who do not develop the disease through a positive tuberculin skin test consisting of skin injection of purified protein derived from a baccillus, swelling at the site indicates the presence of infection. The baccilli can remain dormant for years before becoming active. Their whidespreads presence helps to account for the observed and most likely AIDS related resurgence of tuberculosis in the US in the mid 1980s.

In the time being Tuberculosis sread in Indonesia as I was stay in this country, and as I know this disease still exist over the country, because many people become a carier of this disease but don't active. Actually this bacteria is dangerous for many people but We don't think like that because drugs already exist for this disease even need long time (minimum 6 months) to cure this disease.